My mother, Linda Walker, died
Many thoughts crossed my mind as Mom endured her last days. She did it the same way she had lived. With joy, grace, and mercy.
I’ve often said through the years that she would give the shirt off her back to a complete stranger in need. It was true. If visiting her house, you complemented a lamp, she would offer it to you. If you loved her favorite necklace, she’d gift you a similar one on your birthday. No doubt from Avon. On clearance. Just as she had bought her own. If you had a need, she likely had an item in her home or one of her garages for you.
She was a lover of people. All people. It mattered not one’s shape or size, color or upbringing. She loved to meet new people. She wanted to hear their unique story and perspective as she shared her own.
My mother taught me to crochet. A skill I have used my entire life to bless others whether it be a baby blanket to welcome a newborn or a shawl to hug the shoulders of a woman who was ill or had lost a loved one.
Read my blog Crochet Equals Productive Relaxation and how I learned to crochet.
Linda Walker wasn’t always angelic. Or perfect. But she lived every day with the desire to give God glory. Even to her last breath.
She didn’t complain despite the crushed

Of all the things I’ll remember about my mother, the thing that stands out the most is that she lived every moment for God. She wanted everyone around her to know that she was full of faith. God was with her.
Even when her heart hurt because she couldn’t lift her grandkids and great-grandbabies into her lap and cuddle them like she once did. Or when her throat was just too dry to talk on the phone with distant loved ones. Or attend church, lifting her hands above her head in praise to the One who had redeemed her.
But when her body was weak, her Spirit failed her not. She spent her last bit of energy demonstrating the strength that only comes supernaturally. From the One whom she served the bulk of her life.
Linda Walker left this world with grace, having done what she could, and saying all she knew to say to turn the hearts of those around her to the One who had transformed her life.
My family and friends who knew her, say Thank you. For the
It was so hard to watch her suffer in her final days, but she did it with praise on her lips and gratefulness in her heart, knowing that when her last breath was breathed, she would step into the Throne Room of God and be welcomed into the Presence of the One she had longed to know more her entire life.
We are honored to call her wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, and friend. And we are better because she was in our lives.
Thank you for honoring her memory with me today. She would want you to know God loves you. Do you know Him personally? He gave His life so that you could live in freedom. Victory over this life. Not necessarily problem-free, pain-free, or perfectly in our fallen world. But through Him have life and have it more abundantly.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I
John 10:10am come that they might havelife, and that they might have it more abundantly.
I have peace knowing Mom is dancing in Heaven today. Pain-free. Full of eternal life. And joy.
Have you experienced the death of a parent or have a fond memory of a loved one who has passed? Please share in the comments.
Be blessed, my friend, as we all wade through the sorrows and triumphs of this life. May you find joy in the One who loves you beyond comprehension.

This was beautiful Kelly!! A great tribute to mom. I know she would be proud of you and the woman you are. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Traci! I wrote this the night she passed. I couldn’t sleep. I got up to write. This was the result. Then I lay back down and slept peacefully. I’m so thankful I did.
What a beautiful and loving tribute to your God fearing and grace filled mother. Praying comfort over you and your family.
Thank you, Sammi. She loved reading my blog. She’d be tickled knowing she’s the topic of one (like she was when I dedicated Crochet Equals Productive Relaxation to her). 🥰🥰
Kelley this is beautiful. Knowing most of you from your years at Lighthouse, she has planted, watered, pruned and watched each of you bare fruits. She has left a legacy through each one of you, that needs no words, to see just who she was in life. I am sure the first words she will hear are “well done my child”.
One of my greatest memories was every mother’s day at Lighthouse, they always gave flowers and a special gift. They would ask all mothers to stand, and then begin to seat us by the number of children we had, EVERY YEAR, there she was just standing and smiling that great smile, so proud to take that special gift home in honor of all her babies! I would always walk to the parking lot laughing and saying Linda won again! And today she has won the best prize ever, as she is in the arms of her Jesus. 💜🙏 Thank you for opening the doors to your families lives and sharing the love with everyone.
What sweet memories, for sure!! Thank you for sharing. 🥰💕
This is a really beautiful tribute. As someone who lost my earlier this year to very similar circumstances I especially appreciate the uplifting message and will check out the link you posted. Prayers for you and your family as you move your days ahead without her. Hugs and love!
I don’t know that it’s possible to prepare for the loss of a parent. There are no words to explain it. Thank you for your prayers and kind words.
Kelley, you described your mom perfectly – her actions, her goals in her life; but, most importantly, the depth of her heart of hearts. Nothing more can be said as you have eloquently expressed it. We deeply loved your Mom/Dad and continue to love your entire family. It was such an honor to be in that sanctuary and experience her service. She would have been so very pleased. Praying for each of you as you now continue life with each other as Dad, too, has joined your Mom in glory. Last night I read your first book on my new Fire Tablet (birthday gift!) and your three books were the first three I put on my read list. LOL May all of us live our lives with such purpose that those who come behind us will share similar thoughts as you have shared about your mom.
Sis Hinson,
Thank you so much for your kind words! Mom was one-of-a-kind! So many things remind us of her.
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Tell the family, I said Hello! Love and miss you all!! ~Kelley