my story
All I ever wanted to do was write. Fear stood in my way for years. When I finally garnered the courage to send a story to a friend to read, I just knew she would hate it. I ran into my closet and hid amongst my clothes, imagining my friend tossing my manuscript aside in disgust.
What I later learned was she didn’t hate it, but she did have recommendations on how to improve it. Subsequently, I joined a Critique Group and determined to learn the art of fiction writing. It’s been a journey. I grew thicker skin. I read lots of writing craft books. I wrote lots of drafts that went unfinished and entered stories into contests that didn’t win.
But with every effort, I saw improvement. Following your heart takes grit. It takes work, and I’m loving every minute of it.
I now live my dream in Panama City Beach, Florida, with my husband and mini Australian Shepherd, Blossom. I am inspired by people I meet and places I visit. I have the incredible blessing to be a contributor in the quarterly magazine, Voice of Truth, published by Women World Leaders, with my column Through The Eyes of Merci. I’m also a contributing author in Embrace the Journey and the co-visionary author of the international best seller Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope In The Chaos. Both books are powerful reads of testimonies written by women who experienced healing, revelation, and so much more when they sought the help of their Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m also very proud of my three award-winning novellas, Saving Sabine, Romanian Runaway, and Kamilah, inspired by experiences while living in Europe. One day, I hope to compile them into a collection entitled Way of the Broken.
When I’m not scribbling out fiction, you’ll find me crocheting, kayaking, enjoying the beach, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Get your free story, One Final May Storm and come hang out with me when you can on social media @imkelleyrene.
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