Gift giving is my love language. Not to impress others. Not to “buy” love. But sincerely because I enjoy seeing the reaction a little act of kindness can bring. So it goes without saying that Christmas is my favorite holiday.
I’m an artsy-fartsy kinda’ person. I love to roam craft fairs for unique gifts and products. I recently had the pleasure of volunteering at the local high school bazaar and thoroughly enjoyed perusing the wares after my shift. Booths of handmade jewelry, soaps, lotions, silk scarves, boutique novelties… the list goes on and on.
I usually leave these events with new ideas swimming around in my head. But I scored several items I couldn’t reproduce myself. I had never seen The Original MakeUp Eraser but a certain son of mine no doubt will jump right up to wash his face when he finds this in his stocking on Christmas morning. He doesn’t wear makeup but I figured if this rag can clear out foundation and pressed powder then surely it can handle the oily buildup on the face of a teen guy. I’ll let you know if he’s as excited as I’m hoping (but also if he thinks it cleans as well as they say!)
I’ll be crocheting washcloths to go with the homemade soaps I picked up. You know, for my hairdresser, our post lady, and my favorite gal at the nail salon. Wrapped in ribbon, they’re an easy and affordable gift for those I want to give an extra Thanks! during the holidays.
Jess & Jules’ booth sucked me right in with their feminine sign. Soft, velvet lace, and flowers sent my fingers flying over the delicate racks of adorable blouses and dresses. They even had a handy, mobile dressing room available for try-ons. Both ladies donned their boutique favorites and were helpful with suggestions and colors. I found an elegant eggplant blouse perfect for a night out; and I’m not ashamed to say I bought myself an early Christmas gift!
But as I browsed all the tempting goodies at the fair, I was reminded of a gift from years past.
THE. Best. Gift. Ever.
In college, my husband’s grandmother made us money trees. Miniature Christmas trees decked with magnolias, ribbon, and a whole-lotta folded Andrew Jacksons dangling from the branches. Who could go wrong with this gift? Our faces were priceless; and it was a well-needed, well-used gift.

So this year, I’m making my own version of the money tree and I know the recipients won’t re-gift it after the holidays! I spent a few dollars on supplies but it makes for a fun and creative way to give cash.
This idea isn’t just for Christmas. Money trees can be given all year for any occasion. They can be adapted for the person and situation. They can be real or fake, wooden, or paper. Let your imagination run wild. You’ll want to record the reaction; but don’t forget to decorate it with something they can (literally) take to the bank.
What about you? Are you better at giving or receiving? What gifts will you be handing out this year? What was YOUR best gift ever? Share your ideas in the comments.