Tim and Dhana Wimberly are missionaries to Romania. They have been friends since the early 90’s when my hubby and I trekked across the country to San Diego for a new job opportunity. We didn’t know a soul in the area, meeting them was a tremendous blessing to our family.
Dhana and I spent countless hours at playdates, family dinners, and church functions. Eventually, life took us in different directions. Thankfully, Facebook keeps us in touch.
How cool to find, years later, we have another common interest. Our love of Romania and its people.
Read Why I Wrote Romanian Runaway – Part 1
Read Why I Wrote Romanian Runaway – Part 2
Tim and Dhana recently relocated to Romania. T
Interview With Dhana
Kelley: What took you to Romania?
Ultimately the Lord, but our organization asked us to check it out! Foursquare Missions is currently not in Romania.
Kelley: What city do you live in?
Kelley: What’s the average day in the life of Tim and Dhana Wimberly in Romania look like?
Well, it varies considerably. From language class to spending time with orphaned children, to sipping coffee with our waitress friend who’s a non-believer, to coaching couples on family & ministry life, to working with a Home-Church movement, to helping a clinic wanting to build a maternity clinic so women can give birth with dignity, to building homes in villages with YWAM…Building relationships!!
Kelley: What are your primary goals/mission while in Romania?
Help build on-ramps for Christians & non-Christian young leaders for the purpose of healthy relationships, marriage & family and church planting.
Kelley: What are the biggest challenges of living in Romania?
Absence of immediate family & language.
Kelley: What are the biggest needs amongst those with whom you work?
Clear leadership development & deliverance from fear & anxiety.
Kelley: Do you have a funny/favorite experience or memory of your time there thus far?
Well… at camp with 30 orphan kids and our room bathroom was just a tub. Tim being over 6 ft and getting himself into the tub to shower so the whole room [didn’t] get wet was quite the sight…lol
Kelley: What has impacted you most during your time there?
Relationships with people.
Kelley: What do you miss most while living abroad?
Family & Mexican food
Kelley: Is there anything more you’d like to add about your work/life in Romania?
Never underestimate the ‘Joy’ that only Christ gives and how it can impact people of a different nation!
Kelley: Is there a way readers can follow your work/ministry there?
Wimberly’s to the Nations on Facebook and/or email me directly at dhanawimberly@gmail.com to be added to newsletter list 🙂
Kelley: Tim and Dhana, thank you so much for being available to share about your work in Europe. I sincerely appreciate your time and hope we hear more from you in the future.
Final Words
I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting Tim and Dhana Wimberly, missionaries to Romania, and reading more about their experiences abroad. I can certainly relate to small bathtubs and missing Mexican food!
I know they’re making a difference in Cluj-Napoca.
Be sure to follow them on Facebook or email Dhana at dhanawimberly@gmail.com to connect with them and stay up-to-date on their work abroad.
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Until next time, be blessed, my friends!!